Poetry to inspire self-reflection,
where transformation begins.


As someone who is learning to align with her sacred self, I “bare my soul” to inspire and offer support for your unique and sacred journey.

I “bare my soul” as an example of soul alchemy, healing, and expansion through poetry and writing.

No one is alone in their darkness; we all struggle to overcome the suffering of mental constraints and stress. Transcendence can happen when we stop running away and being distracted, when we embrace the dark moments, and make time to connect with our inner wisdom and light, our sacred self.

My poetry and writing are introspective as I explore the deep crevices of the heart and mind, to find a sweet connection to my inner knowing and wisdom that lights the way back to my soul’s wholeness. I “bare my soul” as an example of walking in darkness, connecting to the sacred self, with the hope of providing inspiration for your own soul’s healing and expansion and the empowerment to feel whole again.

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Featured Poem

Butterfly Lesson

A poem about self-love and empowerment. Taking risks from a space of deep inner knowing and trust. This deep inner knowing and trust is developed from self-reflection, taming the mind, and a practice of realigning with your sacred self.   butterfly lesson A bright yellow butterfly with blue and black accents fluttered her way to […]

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Featured Poem

Butterfly Lesson

A poem about self-love and empowerment. Taking risks from a space of deep inner knowing and trust. This deep inner knowing and trust is developed from self-reflection, taming the mind, and a practice of realigning with your sacred self.   butterfly lesson A bright yellow butterfly with blue and black accents fluttered her way to […]

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I do believe self-awareness opens the door to soul freedom because it offers a choice whether to continue as before or to transcend.

Alchemy of the Soul

Alchemy of the Soul is my second published collection of poetry. Like my first collection, Into the Darkness, Become the Light, it is the works of deep soul introspection, but this collection is a deeper exploration resulting in the union of the heart and mind – a soul alchemy and realignment with the sacred self, my inner knowing and wisdom. The poems describe my internal journey of about a 7-year cycle, where I see and acknowledge my darker mental and emotional states, find peace and altitude within the distress, and then realign with my sacred self. The collection describes the ebb and flow of my soul’s current. It is a love story of the divine feminine and masculine within (heart and mind) because it is the integration, the union, of the internal polarities into my soul’s wholeness.

This collection of poetry was inspired by major life events that began in 2015. I resigned from a stable government job to pursue my passion in writing, my beloved father passed away, and the sparks of desire to move again was getting brighter and brighter. These events were the catalyst for a need to build a stronger foundation from within, to find peace and harmony within my soul no matter what shows up in the external.

Although, the poems are my personal journey, as with my first poetry collection, something continues to tell me share it. Our soul experience is incredibly unique and intimate to each of us, I believe there are universal elements of the journey that we all share and can relate to.

Poetry for me starts with automatic writing that I later refine into poetic form. The automatic writing is a therapeutic tool for connecting with my heart, mind, and soul and my sacred self, the mystic within.

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Into the Darkness, Become the Light

In my collection of over 100 poems, Into the Darkness, Become the Light, I share my intimate and sacred healing journey after my beloved husband was killed in action in 2004, during the Iraq War. This 19-year journey highlights love (prior to the darkness), loss (into the darkness), and renewal (become the light). The poems are a direct witness of self-exploration, healing, cleansing, growth, and expansion.

I loved writing poetry since my early adolescent years. I tend to start with automatic writing which allows me to explore my human conditioning and to channel my inner wisdom. I then refine these writings into poems.

Poetry always has been a healing and therapeutic source for overcoming life’s changes and challenges. It offers me a direct connection to my inner knowing and to the mystic within.

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I am learning transcendence comes from embracing both darkness and light, harmonizing the two polarities within myself leading to the union of the sacred heart and mind, the divine feminine and masculine within.

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