A poem about the journey within, into the darkest, most hidden part of you. Within that sacred space, safety and support is found, until the knowing and the desire to be seen again urges you to resurface and integrate your inner wisdom into the external reality. The poem describes one of my meditations where I commune with my sacred divine self and mother goddess (mother earth).

the cavern

Deep in her internal cavern
where she rises from the depths,
then settles in the darkness,
is quiet, still, expansive
like an infinite lake of pristine consciousness.
Here she is not seen, observed, judged.

She holds her space with ease, a graceful fluid dance,
a deep knowing of her intricate, yet simple essence.
Clarity with a keen sharpness, esoteric truth,
expands like a sound wave vibrating through
both her interior and exterior atmospheres.

She communes with the rhythm of mother goddess,
oscillating between the warmth and coolness
without restriction or judgment of the subtle contrast.

Even with this profound, safe space,
she desires to be seen, to experience more contrast.
Not just a little contrast, but a substantial amount:
a heavy dose of critique, confusion, fog.

Her wish granted, her manifestation unfolds
and she rises through the cracks of crystallized perception.
Not forcing her way through, but finding the least resistance,
until she emerges into soft, porous fertile soil
of the external reality,
expanding her glory into a nearby river of potential.

She relaxes in the flow of the rippling waters,
allowing it to carry her, hold her,
flowing with the changes in the current:
from raging rapids to stillness,
cyclic death and rebirth.

Colliding with mental blockages,
bumping into emotional rocks along the way.
Bruises and cuts mark her soul,
the cost
to negotiate such collisions.

Still, she perceives abrupt shifts in the current
as only opportunities to grow, to expand.
Gaining discernment when to be still
and when to be fluid.
Always rejuvenated, replenished,
upon communion with her deep, dark cavern,
the core of her origin.

Stacy L. Pintor

If you enjoyed this poem and would like it in print with so many more, then check out my book, Alchemy of the Soul (see homepage).

And finally :), visit my blog for soul healing practices that have helped me to realign with my sacred divine self (see homepage).

Expansion and love, Stacy